Welcome to Palletfly! Registering an account is quick and easy. Follow the steps below to get started:
Click on the "Register" button to begin the registration process.
Step 1: Account Information
Provide your account information:
- Company Name: Enter the name of your company or business entity.
- Dba (Doing Business As): If applicable, enter the name under which your business operates.
- US Tax ID: Provide your United States Tax Identification Number.
- Website: If your company has a website, enter the URL here.
- Authorized Buyer First Name: Enter the first name of the authorized buyer or purchaser.
- Authorized Buyer Last Name: Enter the last name of the authorized buyer or purchaser.
- Email Address: Enter a valid email address for account communication.
- Confirm Email Address: Re-enter the email address to confirm accuracy.
- Buyer Office Number: Provide the office phone number of the authorized buyer.
- Buyer Cellphone Number: Optional. Enter the cellphone number of the authorized buyer, if applicable.
- Create Password: Choose a secure password for your account.
- Confirm Password: Re-enter the password to confirm accuracy.
Step 2: Billing Information
Provide your billing information:
- Address Line 1: Enter the street address for billing purposes.
- Address Line 2: Optional. Additional address information, such as suite or apartment number.
- Suite, Apt, etc.: Optional. Further specify your address if applicable.
- City: Enter the city for billing purposes.
- State: Select the state or region for billing purposes.
- Country: Select the country for billing purposes.
- Zip / Postal Code: Enter the postal code for billing purposes.
- Office Phone Number: Provide the office phone number for billing purposes.
Step 3: Warehouse Information
Provide your warehouse information:
- Warehouse Nickname: Provide a nickname for your warehouse for easy identification.
- First Name: Enter the first name of the warehouse contact person.
- Last Name: Enter the last name of the warehouse contact person.
- Address Line 1: Enter the street address of the warehouse.
- Address Line 2: Optional. Additional address information for the warehouse.
- Warehouse City: Enter the city where the warehouse is located.
- Warehouse State: Select the state or region where the warehouse is located.
- Warehouse Zip: Enter the postal code of the warehouse location.
- Warehouse Phone: Provide the phone number for the warehouse.
- Warehouse Contact Name: Enter the name of the contact person at the warehouse.
- Warehouse Contact Email: Enter the email address of the contact person at the warehouse.
- Warehouse Working Hours: Specify the working hours of the warehouse.
- Is this a residential address?: Indicate whether the warehouse address is a residential or commercial location.
- Does your location require a liftgate?: Specify if a liftgate is required for deliveries.
- Do you require appointments for delivery or pick up?: Specify if appointments are required for delivery or pick up.
Review and Submission
After completing all the steps, review your information carefully. Once submitted, you will not be able to change the information. If you need to make any changes, please contact our customer service.