Closure Notice: Tue & Wed ♦SPOTLIGHT DEAL(UPDATED 4/19)♦ 
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Under #40,000, No, & $10+ Item Cost
(Mon & Thu List) - Deals under 40k, not a seller, & Over $10 Cost.

Under #40,000, Under $5,000 MOQ
(Mon & Thu List) - Deals under #40,000 Rank, minimum order under $5,000.

Large Deals
(Mon & Thu List) Deals that are over $10,000 only.

Lists by Category - (Mon & Thu List)

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BSR 75K - 200K

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Pallet Fly is an innovative platform that is geared towards streamlining and optimizing the supply chain experience in product distribution. Our website was founded with one goal in mind: Bring innovation to supply chain. With the many evolving marketplaces that have sprouted through the internet, there comes a great change in how consumer products changes hands. From Amazon to Walmart, brick-and-mortar to Ecommerce, all consumer shopping has taken a large drift from what was knows as traditional retail several years ago. The evolution of how products are sourced on a wholesale level has taken far longer to progress.

We want to help you save time, increase profits, and save you countless hours of frustration. LLC
2493 McDonald Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11223
(347) 450-1740

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